2023 Was Not What I Expected

What Happened Coach?

Well, I don’t exactly know. Kind of. For those who know me personally, my attitude and high energy is one of my gifts. When you have a place/business to focus it on, it is much easier to stay on task. When you move to another state and are in the process of redesigning your processes and impact, ADHD wins! In all fairness to me, wanting to be of service and having an impact leaves all opportunities a possibility. Yet, effectiveness dwindles in the a soup of too many choices.

A Kid In A Candy Store

“I think I will focus my attention on just 7 of these 300 million great ideas!”. Yeah, that will work. lol

I needed to do a little digging, but a years worth is enough time. Am I right? (Wife nods head in the corner)

I did receive a bit of clarity in some of the darker (what the hell am I doing) moments. I had more of those than I thought possible. My why was still the same, I was just spending way too much time analyzing and paralyzing my thought process.

(You know the feeling when you are choosing a particular product to buy on Amazon, and you have 50 options, and one of those options has almost 10k 5 star reviews, and you think you are ready until you read one negative review and all of a sudden you are second guessing yourself? It can’t be just me. Please respond and tell me I am not the only one. Ha!)

Actually, at times this thought process felt more like a bull in a china shop than a kid in a candy store.

So What Is Next?

I am moving forward with a few different ideas. (No surprise) No more researching new ideas, those can come through the process of doing. But, for those of you who are reading this, you can expect a consistent content and information flow on physical, mental and my version of spiritual well being. I am for the people and want to see individuals of all ages and abilities reap the benefits of positivity, longevity and a positive outlook on life.

I am speaking directly to you. Fathers, mothers, siblings, uncles, grandparents, therapists, support crew and more. If I can affect change in you, my hope is you can apply that to your kids, families, clients and much more.

Let Me Know How I Can Be of Service To You

Please share any ideas and/or struggles you currently have that are not being addressed.

In the meantime, I will……..

I will be using this newsletter, social media posts, videos and more to stay connected on ideas and possibilities with all of you.

I will continue to hold weekly Zoom calls with some of my older kiddos or their parents as their life coach and accountability partner. (I will open 5 more spots this coming week. Tuesday through Thursday availability)

This will max out my individual availability so once they are gone, they are gone.

(A parent support group has been brought up a couple of times by different families. Is this something that interest you? Hmm)

I will be finalizing my online fitness, nutrition and habit based program that I have been working on for way too long. More to come.

A Big Ole Hug for Y’all!

No, I haven’t started using y’all since I move to South Carolina. I don’t think I ever will though. Will let you know if anything changes.

Thanks for you support over so many years!

Coach Jorge


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