Have Faith In Yourself.
"Faith is the "external elixir" which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought. - Napoleon Hill
What the heck does that mean? How does "faith" contribute to impulse of thought? Well, the daily language we use with ourselves contributes to our belief systems. I am not talking particularly talking about faith in the religious or spiritual realm, but let's use that as an example.
What is faith? Faith is a complete trust of confidence is something. If you have a deep religious faith, you have an unwavering belief in a set of systems. You hold on to these beliefs in both good and bad times. It is your rock and anchor in a stormy sea.
Now, do we have faith in ourselves? Do we believe we can weather any storms and persevere in this life? This depends on the language and thoughts you have held on to and enforce with your daily habits and behaviors.
You see, the subconscious mind can be our biggest ally and our largest stumbling block. We can build a belief system so powerful that we achieve all which we desire and also never get past the most essential parts of living a healthy and vital life.
"Millions of us are creators of our own misfortunes" - Napoleon Hill
It is quite amazing how mindsets can differentiate so much based on circumstances and faith in our belief systems.
Another great quote.
We are who we are because of the dominating thoughts we allow to occupy our mind.
Read the previous sentence again and again.
If you lack the faith that you can steer your ship towards a life of vitality, health, energy and exploration, you know where you will end up. So many diets and programs get started and never seen through. As we get older, we battle weight gain, loss of mobility, deep fluctuations in daily energy, and yet we have trained our subconscious mind that this is inevitable.
Have you lost hope and faith in yourself? Do you only identify as a strung out, exhausted parent that never has time for themselves? Guess what? You are going to have to come to terms and fight your way out of that subconscious thought pattern.
Sometimes, you have to stop believing your own nonsense.
We all have this struggle in different areas of our lives. I do implore you to take action in one of the most important areas of your life, your health, wellness and mindset.
Talk to you soon,
Coach Jorge