5 Ways An Accountability Partner Can Help You Win!

Can we “make it” without the help and guidance of others? Do you feel as if you have it all under control in your business and/or health journey, or are you on the opposite side of the spectrum and feel you need direction? All the big successful players in any niche that interests you, have done it with the help of others. I want to make it clear that the longest road to success is going it on your own.

Great ideas are not enough. We need actionable items and accountability.

We all have great ideas. As humans, we are all capable of accomplishing so many things if we put our heads to it. And yes, we can master skills, start a business, and become amazing parents independently. Well, sort of. What I am getting to here is the following, you can’t and you shouldn’t go it alone. Coaches need coaches. Parents need parents. Do you see where I am going with this?

Who can this person or team be?

Having an accountability partner comes in my different forms. Business leaders hire business coaches. Busy entrepreneurs hire personal trainers. Busy moms and dads join fitness running groups or get workout partners to keep them accountable to their own goals. People form mastermind groups to get direction and actionable items for growth from a different set of eyes and ears. With all that said, here are 5 ways that having an accountability partner can help you.

5 Ways your accountability partner can help you.

  1. Highlight your blind spots - It is hard to see all angles of an issue when you are the only one looking at it. A second or third set of trusting eyes can be so beneficial when going all in on ideas or changing directions. Keep those blind spots open and continue driving on the path to success.

  2. Help navigating through challenges and problems - Challenges and issues are going to surface in every situation. Production times could be delayed, kids could be flipping out, and a fire just started at work and you need help putting out the flame. Problems will come up and before you lose your mind, it is nice to know you have someone that can help you make corrections instead of flip out. It could be a weekly meet up or a phone call that gives you access to this type of support. A best friend, coworker, or workout partner can help us pull through and vice versa.

  3. Cheerleading section - Sometimes, you just need a pat on the back. You and your accountability partner can celebrate your wins together and he or she can further encourage you to motor on to the next challenge.

  4. Someone to call you out on your crap - This is one of the most valuable ways I feel an accountability partner comes in handy. In my own case, my accountability partner has a list of my 3 business, personal and financial goals with him during our weekly meeting. The moment I go off in a different direction, he calls me out and makes sure I am aware that this fresh idea or direction does not align with the goals I had taken the time to set up in the first place. Bingo! Course corrected. Even if I come into the conversation confident and proud of all the things I had accomplished, he might stop me and point out that I am spinning my wheels and avoiding that which really matters. Over the last year, this relationship has paid huge dividends in my ability to focus and be productive.

  5. Creating routines and deadlines - Do you get hard on yourself when you don’t meet your own deadline or do you just massage the deadline in your favor? If you are working on your own routine and deadline while accountable to absolutely no one, you might let yourself off the hook. When you have a partner that helps you set deadlines, and vice versa, there is a sense of urgency that keeps you…accountable.

You may get far all alone, but the victory is sweeter with a team by your side. This team can consist of just 1 other person. In the best case scenario, you may have a team with varying strengths to know how to push and pull each other towards success. Call up a friend, a business owner you respect or even a family member. Make your intentions known and ask them to be a part of your team as you navigate through your rebirth.

Also, you could hire a coach! ;)



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